Hearing from the Holy Spirit (Part 6 of 7)

The Mail
I was walking out to my truck one afternoon to head to work. (I have afternoon / evening shifts.) As I approached my truck, I got a prompt from the Holy Spirit to check the mail before I left. I ignored it, deciding I’d just check it when I got home that night. (Depending on the schedule of my shift (which varies from day to day), and whatever I’m doing in the house before work, I don’t always notice the mailman, so sometimes I have to check the mail when I get home at night.)

It wasn’t an issue of being late to work. I leave about an hour before, for a drive that on a bad day takes about twenty minutes. I simply didn’t feel like spending a whole extra minute to walk out to my mailbox and back. But the Ruach kept prompting me, and eventually I relented. Among the pieces I found in the box was my county’s property tax bill. I mention this event in particular because we were having a very rainy season at the time. By continuing to faithfully prompt me, Ruach haKodesh not only helped me find a greatly important piece of mail hours before I otherwise would have; this also prevented me from coming home to find damp or even soaked mail, most notably that tax bill.

If you haven’t yet made Jesus your personal Savior, today – right now – is the best time to do so. You can ask Him in your own words, or use some version of the Sinner’s Prayer. Remember, Jesus – Yeshuaturns no-one away.

<<< Part 5 of this series

End of this series >>>

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© 2023 Zero Faith Saint

Every Detail Handled

I have a severe limp in my left leg. My doctor decided on an MRI of my lumbar region to see what could be determined as to a cause.

A day or two after seeing him, I got a call from the VA. As it was a work day, I let the call go to voicemail. When I finally had the time to play the message, I found it to be the rather typical and generic request for me to call back to schedule the appointment. So I called back, and the person I spoke with asked me several questions (“Do I have a pacemaker?”; “Do I have a stent?”; “Do I have any shrapnel in me?”; etc.) related to getting an MRI. The person then said someone would call me again in 7-10 days to finalize the appointment.

As the days went by, I developed several questions for the follow-up call, such as: Could it be an open MRI so I wouldn’t have to go into the tube?; Could it be done as an “outpatient” procedure so I wouldn’t have to secure a driver or have to pack for an overnight stay at the facility?; If no local VA facility has an open MRI unit, could this be done at a private facility?; And if so, would that facility accept VA coverage?

Eventually I got the follow-up call, which again I had to let go to voicemail. I listened to the message when I could, expecting the same typical and generic request for a callback. Instead, the person who left the message listed every detail of the appointment:

  • It would be open MRI, at a private facility
  • The VA will fully cover the procedure
  • The facility is nearby, literally just the next town over
  • The procedure is “outpatient”: I show up a little early for prep; I have the procedure; and I’m done
  • It’s scheduled for a day I already have off on my work schedule, so I don’t have to shuffle days around
  • It’s a late-morning appointment, so I don’t have to rush to get ready

For me, this is literally Abba Yehovah Himself personally answering each question (through the caller) before I had a chance to ask them. (I did call the person back to let him know I got his message.)

This demonstrates not only our God’s faithfulness, but also His great thoughtfulness and kindness, as well as His attention to detail.

If you haven’t yet made Jesus your personal Savior, today – right now – is the best time to do so. You can ask Him in your own words, or use some version of the Sinner’s Prayer. Remember, Jesus – Yeshuaturns no-one away.

Please subscribe to this blog so you can receive new lessons via e-mail. Also, please follow me on Twitter. And please share this blog with your relatives and friends.

© 2023 Zero Faith Saint

Instant Miracle

My dryer died. So while I’m saving up money to get a replacement, I’m having to haul wet laundry to a local laundromat (after washing it at home).

Yesterday I get to the laundromat, and realize I forgot to grab some quarters. So I pull out a bill and run it through the change machine; then I load in my laundry and set the dryer going. It’d be over forty minutes to complete the cycle, so I would make use of that time to run to a gas station to top up my truck for this work week.

Before heading to the gas station, however, I would have to stop by the bank to get a twenty. I decided to set my wallet on my center console so I wouldn’t have to dig around in my back pocket for it when I got to the drive-up ATM. I reached around to my back pocket … and found nothing. I quickly glanced over the front seats to see if maybe I had absent-mindedly already tossed my wallet in. Nothing.

After a second or two of panic, I realized I must’ve left my wallet in the laundromat. I hustled back inside, and spotted my wallet right away, right where I had left it: on top of a washer next to the change machine. In getting out a bill for change, I had foolishly set my wallet on the washer instead of putting it right back in my pocket. And it was still there. It wasn’t stolen; it wasn’t even collected and given to the laundromat proprietor. It was just sitting there, waiting for me.

This loss and recovery of my wallet had occurred within a matter of minutes. Abba Yehovah had protected me in my foolishness. Praise Yeshua!

Please subscribe to this blog so you can receive new lessons via e-mail. Also, please follow me on Twitter. And please share this blog with your relatives and friends.

© 2022 Zero Faith Saint